
Manage history, reports, events and notifications, remote device control, mobile phone tracking apps and 2,900+ closely supported GPS tracking devices. All features, no limits on newly added devices. Designed for personal, vehicle or mobile phone tracking and management. Your account allows you to see precise object location live via a web browser, instantly view historical tracks and get notifications about events which require your immediate attention, generate various reports, control devices remotely and much more. Our GPS tracking platform is easy to use, mobile friendly, has intuitive user interface and is designed to communicate with a wide variety of GPS devices (trackers), including smartphones and tablets.

Real time tracking

Real time tracking mode has a number of important features and allows you to see available objects list, current objects position, last connection time, speed, coordinates, addresses, sensor parameters, important notifications, change map type, change interface language and much more.


History shows all recorded data which our server has collected from your configured devices within your account on our online GPS tracking platform over a 90 day period. Our software records all possible information received from your GPS tracking device, such as speed, time, location, stops, reports, events, etc. History is displayed in different ways: visually on the map, in a graph or html/xls format.


Events is one of the most important feature which our software offers. Events are used to trigger actions by important or disruptive activities. Customers will get instant sms/email notifications triggered by different event types.


Get detailed reports about trips, fuel monitoring, driving activity, activity in particular zone or route. Reports will help to analyse large amounts of data of the entire vehicle group. Reports can be exported or sent instantly to email addresses in html/xls format.


Use wide range of sensors compatible with GPS tracking devices. Sensors allows you to monitor different aspects, such as fuel levels, temperatures, voltage, iButton, RFID and much more. Calibration table and formulas are available for precise measurements.

Object control

Our software offers object control using commands which is a extremely useful feature to control vehicles remotely. Engine immobilising and much more.


With geofences you are able to make a virtual perimeter on geographic areas on the map that have specific interest for you. The main reason to have geofences is to control whether the units stays within it or not, so that when the geofencing unit enters or exits the area a notification is generated using events.


With routes you are able to create a virtual path and get notifications. If a particular vehicle stays on it or not. This feature allows to monitor vehicle dependency to the road.


POI (Points of Interest) allow you to put markers at the locations that might be interesting or useful. You can also name the place, add short description, attach an image or even video to it.

Other useful features

You can search for addresses from the search panel, enter point coordinates. Also you can use tools for calculating distances between places on the map etc.

User settings

User settings sections allows to change different account settings such as colours, interface language, measurement units, timezones and personal information etc.

Getting started with GPS tracking

Abbotrack security solutions GPS tracking software can monitor thousands of targets, and display their location on maps with crystal clear detail right down to the street level in any web browser. It lets the user track GPS devices in real time, directly view historical tracks and notify about events that require your immediate attention, generate various group reports and much more. Our software is very simple, user friendly and designed to communicate with a wide variety of GPS devices including mobile devices.